fifty shades.

I gave in... and started reading the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.

Please don't put some kind of satanic curse on me...I just have to live vicariously through a book right now! Sorry Mom! But it's true!

It's actually more than just what you think; There's actually a good love story involved. It teaches you many lessons on accepting others for who they truly are and accepting yourself for that matter, which is what I've had to do in my life more so a lot lately.

It's gotten where it's hard for me to put it down at night and go to sleep. It's THAT intriguing to read. Thankfully I am on the third one, so I will be catching more zzzzz's in the next week!

What are some good books you've read lately?

1 comment:

  1. I read it and it was amazing! My daughter would laugh at me because I'd be standing at the stove, Kindle in one hand, stirring whatever was in the pot with the other...because I couldn't put it down either!
