Sleepless Nights

For the past couple of weeks, Johnathan and I have gotten very little sleep...all because of our sweet precious girl. I lay her down for bed at around 8:45 p.m. every night, and then around midnight, the crying begins. And she is waking up, from that point, every 30 minutes to an hour.

We aren't quite sure what the problem is; we have, however, narrowed it down to two possibilities:
1. She is teething and in a lot of pain, which makes her really restless and fussy, or
2. The formula she gets in her bottle before bed is making her stomach upset.
My guess it that it is a little bit of both. She gets "mommy milk" all day long, either from me directly or in a bottle, and then she gets that one formula bottle before bed...because the formula doesn't digest as quickly and used to keep her satisfied to sleep for long periods of time....but not anymore. I switched formulas on her last night to one that has less cow's milk in it, and she did sleep a little bit better...Thank GOoDness!

For her teething issues (she has two bottom teeth coming in) we have tried teething tablets, Baby Orajel, Motrin, and just plain ole' teething rings. The Orajel seems to work the best for her.

We'll figure it out soon enough how to comfort our little diva! As tired as we are, we love every moment of fussiness and/or happiness we have with her.

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