a "stars and stripes" T-shirt tutorial.

It's a tradtion for me to make the kiddos a shirt, dress, some kind of patriotic outfit for the 4th of July. Right behind Christmas, it's my favorite holiday. Why? Because it's full of good food, family, fun, and fireworks!

So, I did a little Pinterest research and found an idea for what I could make for the girls. I found a photo, no tutorial though, and just winged it. It's a modern take on a flag.

This is how it turned out. Cute huh!?!

Since the pic on Pinterest didn't have a tutorial, I'll give you a quick one. I didn't take photos of the step-by- step because it's just that darn easy.


Dark blue and white polka-dot extra-wide ribbon
Red ric-rac (or white if you use a red shirt)
White T-shirt in your child's size
Red thread
Dark blue thread
That's it!

1. Cut (1)- four inch piece of ric-rac and (3)- 5 inch pieces. Note: these measurements were used simply because they were proportionate to the shirt size I used (24 months). You may have to make yours a little smaller or larger depending on your shirt. Gently and quickly wave a lighter over the ends to seal.

2. Position the ric-rac pieces centered on the shirt, with the ends lining up on the right, the first one (the shorter piece) about 2-3 inches below the neckline. Space them a "ric-rac" width apart. Temporarily attach with straight pins. Note: the shorter piece is at the top so that you don't see it coming out from the side of the bow.

3. Sew, with the red thread, straight down the center of each ric-rac piece.

4. Tie a bow from the ribbon that is proportionate to your shirt and the ric-rac "stripes." Bascially, don't have your bow too large or too small. Seal off ends with a lighter.

5. Hand sew the bow onto your shirt, angled in the corner. I also sewed the left end piece of the bow down because I burned one of my ric-rac ends and wanted to hide it. You don't have to do that though!

Your shirt is done! I paired Reagan's shirt with a red bow and a pairt of white shoes, and a cute tulle skirt I found at Walmart for only $5.

Sew simple and so adorable!

Doesn't hurt to have a gorgeous model to show it off!

Stay tuned for my next tutorial. It's even less steps than this one. I made a shirt for Easton that is "all-American!"

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