Pre-Preschool and Laughing Pizza!

At the beginning of February, we started Easton in a preschool program. It's on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m.- noon...and it's in the church on campus where I work. We decided to put him in the program for the structured environment and so he can play and interact with other children his age. We hope the program will also be one of the many steps we are taking to help him develop and improve his language and fine motor skills.

So far, he is doing fabulous! He still has a little anxiety when we drop him off in the mornings, but the teachers tell us that the tears only last for a minute and then he's fine! Each time he is there it gets better and better for him. He is playing well with the other kids. (There are 5 other boys in his class and 2 girls!) He is participating in activities and even sitting still at the table to eat his snack (that's a big step for him!)

I think his favorite part of school is music time. He LOVES to sing and dance! As you can see, from the video below! His favorite group is Laughing Pizza (a family band that sings children-inspired songs). Please excuse the nose-picking parts of this video! AND the fact that it's sideways...I can't figure out how to fix that!

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