It's a very rare occasion that I can, at this point, get both my kids in a picture at the same time without having to hold Easton down. But this weekend, he was all about cuddling with his little sister, which I took advantage of by taking a million and one pictures to mark this significant moment in history : )
Reagan's four-month check up was today, and it went well. She is now 25 inches long and 14lbs, 13oz. -- a plump and short little girl!
Reagan is definitely, I have a feeling, not going to be a shy little girl like I was. She loves to just babble up a storm and just wants to "goo" and "coo" to tell you all about her day!
Easton had an occupational therapy evaluation on Friday. The report from his daddy is that it went really well. (I didn't get to go because I have less than a day of vacation and sick time, and I knew Johnathan could handle this one on his own.) Easton did everything the therapist asked him to do, including: putting small beans back into a bottle container, swinging on a tire (not sure what that was about, but Easton did ask her at one point if he could get down!), stacking small blocks, drawing circles and lines (he's right on track for his age at how he holds a pencil), and a few more tasks that I can't remember of the top of my head.
The only thing he couldn't do was to thread beads on a piece of yarn. According to her, at his age he should be able to thread 4 beads. To his defense, Johnathan said he tried really hard to do it, AND Easton has never done any activity like that in his life. I don't have small beads laying around for him to "thread" so he can choke on them. Anyway! He has no problems using those little fingers to lock the front door!
In the next week or so, we go for a hearing test to rule out any hearing problems. I hope we "hear" some good news from that! : )
That's great that you got some pictures of them together. = )
ReplyDeleteAw, your sweet little girl is growing up. Both of my kids were 13 or 14 lbs at 2 months... but they were taller too.
Try not to worry too much about what they say Easton can't do and should be able to. It's actually good if he can't do everything they want him to because he's more likely to get help. Dominic has great fine motor, and is significantly behind on his gross motor. If he were to be evaluated, I'm sure they'd tell me all the stuff he CAN'T do.