chalk it up!

Remember that post about a "little" weekend project I wanted to do, oh, about 5. MONTHS. AGO? Well, it finally got finished the week before JT came home. And it's AWESOME!

We went from this hap-hazzardly-decorated wall that's looked exactly the same since we first moved in 9 years ago:

To this wall with a beautifully GIGANTIC chalkboard! It's at kid height for their scribbles, drawings and writing. And at adult height for our sweet messages to each other! I'm. In. LOVE!

There's really not much of a step-by-step to this project. We basically had this frame, which use to hold a mirror, and had a cheap piece of smooth particle board cut to fit inside. I painted the frame a bright white semi-gloss, and painted the particle board with three thick coats of chalkboard paint, and attached it to the inside of the frame (where the leftover staples were that held the mirror). With the help of my dad, we hung it up securely with 100 lb rated hooks, even though, amazingly enough, it only weighs thirty pounds, but with little ones, I wanted to be safe!  And voila!

We love our chic, new, repurposed, GI-NORMOUS chalkboard!

(P.S. For all you word-smith's out there, I know "grateful" is spelled wrong in my husband's sweet message to me, but we like to say "greatful" because our lives are GREAT!)

The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.~Isaiah 40:8

1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome! We all have those projects that take forever to get around to. But hey, it's done!
