The birth story
On December, 20, 2010 at 10:57 p.m. our sweet little baby Brooklyn was born! Just a quick run down of the "labor" day. I went in at 7:30 a.m. that day with my mom to get started on the induction. Why my mom and not Johnathan? Well, dummy me had scheduled the induction on the same day as Johnathan's paramedic practical exams, but it was just for the morning and we knew he would make it to be with me well before the baby came. So, the induction was long and slow. The nurse secretly, aside from my doctor knowing, didn't give me much pitocin, at first, so that Johnathan would definitely make it on time.
Sometime around mid-afternoon and once Johnathan got there, the contractions were gettting more painful, so I requested the epidural. They had given me some kind of pain medicine right before that to help with the pain, and it made me really loopy and I started bawling and thought I was going to pass out, but Johnathan and the nurse reassured me it was going to be okay.
More time went on and soon it began to feel like the epidural was wearing off. At this point, they still hadn't checked me except one other time to see if I had dialated. I was in A LOT of pain and the anesthesiologist came in to up my epidural meds. Then the nurse was like, why don't we go ahead and check you and see where we are at at this point. So, she did and it didn't take her but two seconds and she starts yelling for the other nurses and the doctor to come in. Brooklyn was already coming out and THAT'S why I was in so much pain! A side note to this too, while all this was happening, Johnathan wasn't even in the room OR on the same floor for that matter. He had gone downstairs to meet his mom who was bringing food, so they had to call him and tell him to run back upstairs!!!

On another note, Johnathan is officially a paramedic! We are so proud of him and all his accomplishments. He is such a wonderful husband and father! Congrats to my hubby!
Great pictures !!! Adorable kids !!!