Sweet Snuggles!

Two of my loves and snuggle buddies.

Have a great Wednesday!

Brown Bear, Brown Bear!

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? I see my little Easton doing so well and it makes me happy!

Easton has been doing wonderfully in school. He absolutely LOVES it! He is talking so much more and singing songs and following directions and asking for or telling us what he needs/wants. It's so fantastic!

Something really neat he's doing now is reading. I can write a note to him or write a sentence for him and he can READ it with no help at all!

I just love my little guy so much, and his daddy and I are just so happy at the progress he's made in just the month and a half that he's been in the special 3 yr. old class.

Last night, he was so proud of himself because he remembered all the words to the Brown Bear, Brown Bear book his teacher read in class. I leave this post with Easton's rendition of the book in song form!

Baby Brunch

Today my co-worker/friend Amanda and I hosted a Baby Brunch and Photoshoot; it was for the upcoming edition of our University's magazine. We wanted to feature all the babies born to our employees since the last edition of the magazine was published.

It was so much fun getting all the babies, and their parents, together for lots of  playtime. Reagan, although the oldest, was very clingy to her mommy, but her usual diva self did make an appearance.

We had one moment of tug-and-war with her bestie Peyton:

A sticking-out-the-tounge moment at her bestie Peyton:

Several whining/crying/screaming moments:

A few calm not-noticing-her-mommy-got-up-to-get-more-punch moments:

And many this-is-a-lot-of-fun-to-play-with-all-these-new-friends moments:

Overall, we just had a great time seeing how much everyone's babies have grown. We sure do make some good looking children!