I am...a wife, mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, and friend.
I want...a bigger house where all our kids can have their own rooms and with a BIG playroom where I can just shut the door to all the mess!
I have...a very blessed life.
I wish...that I could be a talented, professional photographer.
I hate...that I only get to see my kids for three hours a day during the work week.
I fear...the future. I can be a very pessimistic person.
I hear...my children telling me they love me and my heart melts.
I search...for the things that truly make me happy in life…beyond my hubby and children; I am still searching for most of them.
I wonder...what kind of people our children will grow up to be. Here’s hoping we can raise them to be good people!
I regret...that I don’t get to spend a lot of time with my grandmother. She’s slowly losing her memory, and might one day forget who I am.
I love...that my husband is my best friend.
I ache...when I workout too hard!
I always...kiss my husband and kids and tell them I love them before I walk out the door. You are never guaranteed another day or minute in this life.
I usually...worry about everything!
I am not...a happy camper when I am hungry or sleep deprived.
I dance...with my kids to songs on cartoons.
I sing...to my kids, in the shower, in my van, walking up the stairs at work, everywhere I can!
I never...tell a secret. If you tell me it’s a secret, I keep it.
I sometimes…wish life was easier, but wouldn’t change it for anything.
I cry...at everything.
I am not always...the best at keeping in touch with friends….sorry!
I lose...my keys ALL the time.
I am confused...at the way humankind treats each other.
I need...more time to spend alone with my hubby.
I should...not worry, not fear the future, chase my dreams, and spend more time with my hubby!